THW-foundation manages the logistics of power generators

The foundation of the Technical help organization (THW-Stiftung) will be in charge of the donations collected through the WP4U-Video. Via the charity platform, all the individual donations and finances will be transparently managed. The THW-Stiftung will purchase power generators and deliver them to Ukraine. On an important historical date, the 24th of February, the awful first anniversary of the Russian attacks – the first amount of money will be transferred to the THW foundation to purchase and deliver generators to Ukraine.

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Hilfslieferungen finanziert

Inzwischen sind die 9800 Euro Spendenaufkommen für Hilfslieferungen in Ukraine ausgegeben worden. Die Hilfsorganisation Rheinbach-hilft hat mit ihrem fünften Transport-Konvoi direkt Güter ins Kriegsgebiet für

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