Back to Lviv and leaving Ukraine

Serhiy Jakobchuk, a great choir director and new friend also arrived quickly at the Café to meet with me and have some good talks, before I would leave the country. Right at that moment, the electricity shut down, due to airstrikes by the Russians. At the moment, you are nowhere safe in Ukraine. Incredible – that all these great and peaceful people have to suffer under senseless and cruel attacks of stupid Russian dictators – all the time – all the centuries – all over history. But the Russians will never win over the strong and free Ukrainian people.

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Hilfslieferungen finanziert

Inzwischen sind die 9800 Euro Spendenaufkommen für Hilfslieferungen in Ukraine ausgegeben worden. Die Hilfsorganisation Rheinbach-hilft hat mit ihrem fünften Transport-Konvoi direkt Güter ins Kriegsgebiet für

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